Crashing the Diner

Metro Diner deals with the aftermath of a damaging car crash.

Rachel Lechwar, Copy Editor

Metro Diner was confronted with a hydroplaning car on April 8, and with a new challenge— to pick up the pieces after a threatening crash. The diner, which has been serving the San Marco community for over 25 years, attracts attention from locals and food network, featuring full tables and a line of customers during rush hours. Built in the 1930’s, restaurant’s walls faced damage from the car’s impact

    The inside of the building was filled with piles of brick, shattered glass, and a tilted car implanted in the wreckage.

    Further investigation uncovered that the car belonged to an off-duty Jacksonville Sheriff Officer who swerved to avoid collision with a car crossing on Hendrick’s Avenue. The car fled the scene, but surveillance captured the moment for police inspection. The diner had decided to close for dinner, so no customers were injured in this crash. However, Metro Diner will take another three to four weeks to survey the damage and open back up for business.