Grocery Store Guide
A grocery store employee’s tips and tricks to shopping during COVID-19.
Woman shops for groceries amid panic in New York City.
May 6, 2020
Everyone needs groceries. Especially during trying times like these. Being stuck in your house is honestly really boring, so here are some tips and tricks on how to make the most of your weekly grocery trip during this pandemic.
- Don’t go to the store often. Stock up on meals for the week, planning for whatever you need.
- Sanitize your hands before and after you leave the store. This way you don’t bring any germs in or take anything home with you.
- Practice social distancing! Staying away from other customers reduces your risk for getting any disease another customer possibly has.
- Shop quickly & be efficient. Know what items you need before heading into the store. This way you have a plan and aren’t just perusing the aisles aimlessly, which can increase your exposure.
- You don’t need to wear gloves. This ones a shocker, I know, but it’s the honest truth. Unfortunately, many people don’t wear or dispose of gloves correctly, which defeats the whole purpose of wearing them. The surfaces in most stores are disinfected hourly, so you’re pretty safe.
- Think about alternatives to going to the store. There are plenty of delivery options for stores, and you’re not even limited to just groceries, many other essential businesses offer delivery as well.
- Touch less. Keep your hands away from your face until you’ve thoroughly washed your hands. Another habit to change: Don’t touch your phone or any other personal items while you’re in the store.
- Manage bags. If you bring bags home from the store, toss them. If you brought your own, wash or sanitize them.
- Wash your hands. Wash thoroughly when you get home from the store, again after putting away groceries and both before and after preparing food.
- Clean surfaces. After you’ve put food away, wipe down the counter or any other surfaces they touched. The FDA says it’s not necessary to sanitize food or food packaging. If you choose to anyway, be sure to use food-safe cleaners, not bleach or other harsh cleansers.
- Sanitize your phone! I know it’s hard to avoid checking your phone every once in a while, but it’s always important to clean your phone after visiting the store.
- Lastly, don’t worry. Keep your distance from others and making sure you’re sanitizing the proper items, and you’ll be okay.