Valentine’s Day Minus The Valentine
Activities with friends to keep you busy
January 23, 2022
I know this is early planning, but the famous love filled holiday is just around the corner: Valentine’s Day.
More times than not, Valentine’s Day can become a lonely day for many, but it does not have to be this year! Shut off your phone for the day, avoid all the Valentine’s Day gushiness, go out with your friends and make February 14 extra special this year! I think it’s a great idea.
If you would like to stay in for the holiday, I would recommend a classic movie night with your favorite snacks and sweets. Maybe even do some baking while you all are together, I know my friends and I enjoy baking chocolate chip cookies the most!
I have linked my personal favorite recipe here from the NyTimes just for your convenience. Or try this Valentine’s Day themed cookie recipe, making red velvet sugar cookies!

If you would like to go out with your friends you can obviously all go out to dinner, but I think doing an activity is even better. My personal favorite is an escape room! I’ve done one or two with my friends and it brings out the best and worst in people but makes for a fun activity to work together.
After your thrilling escape, hit the town for dinner and ice cream. If you check out one of our Issues from this year and you can see loads of suggestions from our Layout and Design Editor, Jessica Golden on where to eat under ‘Kenny Kravings.’
Remember, Valentine’s Day does not have to be a sad day. Make it a memorable one for you and your friends, it gives you an excuse to have a fun afternoon with the people you love and appreciate the most.