Q & A With Miss BK

An interview with Miss Bishop Kenny 2020-2021.

Ilaria Georgi, Web Manager

Junior Ansley Gibson competed in the Miss Bishop Kenny Pageant and won the title of Miss BK 2020-2021 this past March. We decided to sit down with her and ask her some questions.

Why did you decide to compete in the Miss Bishop Kenny Pageant?

My sisters encouraged me to do it. They helped me to step out of my comfort zone. 


What was your favorite part of the pageant?

My favorite part was getting to bond with the other girls competing.



You won the Most Service Award for over 600 hours. Tell me about a service project you’re interested in.

I really love doing Camp I Am Special. It’s just an amazing experience. I’m a Buddy there, so it’s one-on-one care 24 hours for a week. Basically you just be that person’s best friend and help them with things that they need help with.



If you could trade places with one person for a day, who would it be and why?

I’d go back in time and trade places with Mother Teresa because of how helpful she was.


What is your favorite thing about Bishop Kenny?

Probably how focused it is on our faith.


What do you think Bishop Kenny would lose if they decided not to do the Miss Bishop Kenny pageant anymore?

They’d lose a group of people who’d want to represent their school. 


What are you most excited for this upcoming school year, specifically referencing being Miss BK?

Being able to represent my school and all that it has to offer. 


Will you be competing in other pageants in the future?

I’ll probably do the Miss Senior High Pageant. 


(On-Stage Question) How has your high school experience shaped who you are? 

My high school experience has shaped me in so many ways. From teachers who have inspired me and encouraged me on my path to friends and peers who inspire and challenge me on the daily, Bishop Kenny has offered me so many opportunities to learn and grow. Most importantly, Bishop Kenny has taught me that my truest identity is as a child of God, which has allowed me to put Christ first in every aspect of my life.