During the Fourth Quarter Flu

Tips on surviving the last quarter of the 2018-19 school year

Dailey Jackson, Managing Editor

     With the dreaded third quarter finally coming to a close, the fourth and final quarter of this year has arrived. Though this may be a joyous moment for some, particularly to the antsy seniors who are ready to spread their wings and fly away from the nest of high school, for others, the fourth quarter represents the last and longest stretch of the school year journey, with summer being the final prize. If you’re panicking at the idea of the fourth quarter, here’s some tips to help you to (hopefully) make it through.

     No matter what happens, try and keep up with your calendar or planner. As much as you do not want to, maintaining your planner is the key for keeping up with all the last minute projects and homework your teachers will assign, and can even help with coordinating a study schedule during finals. You can try and keep things fun by starting a countdown until the end of the year or writing a motivating message to remind you that you’re almost there.

     When you feel like giving up, try and think about how amazing summer will be. Long nights, warm beaches and a seemingly endless amount of time should serve as your motivating factor to get you through the rest of the year. Try and take one day at a time, then one week, two weeks, and before you know it you’ll be finishing up finals and heading out. When you need support, look to your friends, who will hopefully be able to motivate you through these tough weeks. Working together and motivating each other by thinking about summer plans can also pull you through the final tests and quizzes.

     As these final weeks begin to creep up on us, think about all the time you’ve put into the school year so far. Don’t forget, no matter what quarter or what time of the year it is, try to always work hard and get through each and every day. Soon enough you’ll be soaking in the sun and curing your fourth quarter flu once and for all.